Export to the UK from India with Amazon Global Selling

Sell and export products to the United Kingdom from India with Amazon Global Selling. Register in simple steps and start exporting without any hassle.
It takes less than 15 minutes to register.
Export to the UK

Why export to the UK?

International trade between India and the United Kingdom goes way back in history, and over the years, import and exports between the countries have grown steadily. The two countries are also discussing a UK-India Free Trade Agreement, which can further strengthen exports1. India is one of the world’s leading producers and exporters of a range of essential goods including jewellery, electronics, textiles, and medicinal products.

Trends in exports from India to the UK


India is the 7th largest exporting partner to the UK2.

$10 billion

India’s exports to the UK in 2022–23 (April-February)3.

$166.70 billion

The UK e-commerce market’s projected reach in 20234.

Top reasons to export to the UK from India

Benefits - Secure payments

Top export destination

The United Kingdom is one of India’s top export destinations with a growing demand for international products. Did you know that 74% of Amazon customers use Amazon to discover new products or brands?
Icon: a house with a wrench, gear, and ruler floating above it

Amazon’s tools for easy exports

Focus on your business and let Amazon help you with international shipping and logistics. With Amazon FBA, exporting from India to the UK is hassle-free.
Icon: a hand holding a floating dollar sign

Amazon’s international sale events

Increase sales by selling in Amazon UK events like Prime Day, Christmas, Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
Icon: a house with a wrench, gear, and ruler floating above it


Products sold per minute in Amazon European marketplaces in 202014

Top products to export to the UK

Health and personal care

Health and personal care


Gems and jewellery


Home and kitchen

electronic goods

Electrical and electronic goods




Tea and coffee

Documents required to export to the UK from India

To export from India to the UK, some of the documents that you need to obtain are:

How to export to the UK with Amazon Global Selling?

Starting an e-commerce exports business is easy and hassle-free with Amazon. Once you register to sell on Amazon UK, you also get access to other European marketplaces – Germany, France, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, and Sweden. Below are the steps you can follow to start exporting:
What products to sell in USA

Decide what to sell

Choosing what products to export from India to the UK is a crucial step. It is important to understand product demand and plan your business goals. Amazon facilitates export of 30+ product categories including home textiles, garments, spices, jewellery, and leather goods that can be exported from India to the UK.
Register with Amazon Global Selling

Register and create a seller account

You can register and create your Amazon global seller account on Seller Central by submitting a few KYC documents and credit card details.
List your products

List your products

Once registered, you can list your products after selecting your cost and fee structure. To list, you need product SKU details (e.g., UPC, barcode, EAN) and product information (model number, features, expiry date, size, etc.).
Amazon seller payment method

Ship your products and fulfill orders

Exporters can choose between handling their own shipping (Merchant Fulfilled Network or MFN) or they can opt for Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA). This allows safe and easy shipping of export products by facilitating pickup, storage, delivery and customer care services.
Amazon advertising

Receive payments and grow your business

Receive payments in your currency in a hassle-free way with Amazon Global Selling. You can use international solutions and tools like Amazon Advertising, A+ Content and Brand Registry to grow your business.
Cost to sell in USA

How much does it cost to sell in the UK?

Amazon Global Selling allows you to choose a suitable export cost plan from India to the UK, as per your business goals.

Expert support for global expansion

Webinars and educational videos to help your learn how to export from India to the UK.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the frequently asked questions about selling in the UK.
How can I start exporting to the UK?
An export business requires a simple but specific process at every step to ensure safe and hassle-free export of goods. Below is the process of exporting to the UK with Amazon:

1. Register your business with Amazon Global Selling.
2. List your products on Amazon UK.
3. When a customer places an order, ship your products.
Do I need to pay VAT to export to the UK?
From January 1, 2021, all goods exported to the United Kingdom are subject to VAT, regardless of the value of the commodities included in the shipment9.
What can I export to the UK from India?
Some of the products you can export from India to the UK are:
• Fresh vegetables and other consumables like spices, tea, coffee
• Home textile and décor
• Leather products
• Apparel and jewellery
• Beauty and personal care
What are the top countries exporting to the UK?
Some of the top exporting countries of the UK are the US, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Ireland, India, France, China, Belgium, Italy and Spain10.

1. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/joint-outcome-statement-uk-india-round-six-fta-negotiations
2. https://tradestat.commerce.gov.in/eidb/ecntq.asp
3. https://oec.world/en/profile/country/ind/#historical-data
4. https://www.statista.com/outlook/dmo/ecommerce/united-kingdom
5. https://pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1841477
6. https://oec.world/en/profile/bilateral-country/ind/partner/gbr
7. https://tradingeconomics.com/india/exports/united-kingdom
8. https://www.niti.gov.in/sites/default/files/2022-03/Final_EPI_Report_25032022.pdf
9. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/vat-on-goods-exported-from-the-uk-notice-703
10. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/vat-exports-dispatches-and-supplying-goods-abroad
11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_the_largest_trading_partners_of_United_Kingdom
12. https://oec.world/en/profile/bilateral-country/ind/partner/gbr#:~:text=Historical%20Data&text=In%202020%2C%20India%20exported%20%247.75B%20to%20United%20Kingdom.,-The%20main%20products
13. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1124325/india-trade-and-investment-factsheet-2022-12-19.pdf
14 https://sell.amazon.co.uk/programmes/sell-across-europe

Start exporting from India to the UK today