Spreading compassion and love with natural products

“Our brand is based on compassion, love and trust. So, we have all natural products.”
Natasha Tuli
Co-founder, Soulflower

Driven by passion

Natasha Tuli and Amit Sarda, the founders of Soulflower, have a passion for spreading compassion, love, and wellness to people worldwide through their natural range of products, such as essential oils, carrier oils, and other aromatherapy products. “We started our journey in Thailand and then, moved to India in 2011,” recollects Amit. To achieve their goal, they started exporting their products through Amazon Global Selling in 2016. Since then, their brand has expanded to international markets in the USA, the UK, the UAE, Singapore, and Japan. As a result, millions of customers have been able to experience the benefits of their natural, high-quality products.
We were wondering how could we get our products to the people abroad, and that’s where Amazon Global Selling became the perfect fit.
Natasha TuliCo-founder, Soulflower

Going global with Amazon

Amazon Global Selling has played an important role in helping them achieve their goals with support for exports, logistics and marketing and promotional tools. This helped Soulflower increase its visibility and reach a global audience. The program also offered a streamlined process for exporting their products, which made it much easier for them to reach international marketplaces.

The success of Soulflower in the global market can be attributed to a combination of factors. Its reputation for fast delivery and high-quality products helped build customer trust and credibility, which in turn helped establish a loyal customer base. Additionally, the founders' passion for their products and mission to spread compassion, love, and wellness resonated with customers and helped the brand stand out from its competitors.

A positive impact

Soulflower's success in exporting its natural range of products to international markets through Amazon Global Selling is a testament to the power of e-commerce exports and the right tools and strategies in taking one’s mission to the world. By utilizing these resources, Soulflower was able to reach millions of customers and make a positive impact in the world through its natural, high-quality products.

Sell across the world with Amazon Global Selling

Ready to start exporting from India?
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*Map not to scale. The map has been used for design and representational purpose only, it does not depict the geographical boundaries of the country. These do not conform to the external boundaries of India recognized by the Survey of India.