Tips on how to create a brand name

A brand name is your identity as a seller. It is essential in distinguishing you from other vendors in the market. A good brand name that resonates with the customers can help your business a great deal. It may help in building customer’s trust in your products. Since people tend to buy from a brand that they can relate to, having a great brand name and identity can influence their buying decisions. Here are some points to keep in mind before creating a brand name:
Think long term:
While creating a brand name, always think ahead of time. Maybe you sell just one product presently, but you should not be restricted by a name if you decide to add more diverse products to your brand in the future. Choose a brand name that is relevant to the type of products you sell, but don’t make it specific to just one product or category. Always think about the longevity of the name that you are choosing to represent your products.
Keep it meaningful:
The brand name needs to be meaningful to the products being sold under it. For example, if you sell clothes, calling it ‘The bag company’ does not make sense. Foreign names that don’t mean anything to your customers and are irrelevant to the products should be avoided. This kind of branding can shift the focus away from your products and in turn, affect your business growth.
Unique yet simple:
These two advertising options are available to help boost your product discoverability and enhance your brand awareness. Display Ads are essentially banner ads prominently placed on both the website and the mobile app. Sponsored products is an advertising solution that enables your offers to be shown amongst the organically searched results on Amazon on the basis of keywords. Based on a cost per click pricing model, both these solutions increase the visibility of your products and hence amplify the chances of closing a sale. You can read more about these solutions here.
Do not duplicate:
Make sure you do not breach any copyrights or trademarks while creating your brand. Brand infringement is not just illegal but can also confuse your customers. If you use a brand name that is close to what your competitor’s brand name is, they may buy from them instead of you. This is not a good practice as it will affect your sales drastically.
Invest in a logo and tagline:
A well-designed logo with a witty tagline can help you connect your brand with the customers. Even if there is no scope to incorporate a separate logo, you can design your brand name in an interesting format to make it more attractive. This creates a sort of relatability with the brand, hence making it easier for the customers to identify it.
Generate curiosity:
While it is important to have a contextually accurate name, it is not necessary to make it drab or boring. At the same time, a random name with no meaning or ring to it should be avoided as well. For example, naming a shoe brand ‘Shoes’ is boring, and a name like ‘Skoo’ has no meaning at all. It is also better to steer away from words like ‘best’, ‘great’ or similar adjectives as part of your brand name.
Creating a good brand name is one of the key business strategies every new business owner should invest in. By doing this, you lay a good foundation for your business to be recognised, which in turn, may help your growth. Once you have decided on a brand name, you can register on Amazon with it, list your products and start selling online. Get more information about how to start your online business.
Creating a good brand name is one of the key business strategies every new business owner should invest in. By doing this, you lay a good foundation for your business to be recognised, which in turn, may help your growth. Once you have decided on a brand name, you can register on Amazon with it, list your products and start selling online. Get more information about how to start your online business.
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