Online Selling – How to create offers on Amazon
A step-by-step guide to creating offer/promotion for your products
by Swati Bucha and Sagithya on 23/02/2018

We have previously covered the importance of creating offers on Amazon, which also explained what kinds of offers online sellers can create on Amazon that can help them increase the chances of getting more sales. In this post, we will cover how to create offers on Amazon. There are three simple steps to creating an offer/promotion for your products.
STEP- 1 Choose the type of promotion
In your seller account, under Inventory, click Manage Promotions. On the Create a Promotion tab, click the Create button for the promotion type you want to offer. After you select the type of promotion you would like to create, specify the conditions for your offer/promotion.
Under buyer purchases
You need to choose the condition which the buyer needs to fulfill to avail the promotion. You can choose if the promotion should be created on the minimum amount or minimum quantity or every unit purchased. On selecting ‘At least this quantity of items’ option, you should mention the least number of products to fulfill the offer/promotion. For example*: When you mention 2 as the least quantity, the buyer gets money off on a purchase of minimum 2 products. By selecting ‘For every quantity of items purchased’ option you are qualifying that the promotion is on every purchase of a product made by the buyer.
Under purchased items
You can choose the products which the buyers can purchase to qualify for the promotion. Select the entire catalog of products or existing products from the drop-down list or create a new product selection list by clicking on ‘Create a new product selection’. In this page, you can create a new list under any one of the 5 product selection types. Let’s select ‘SKU List’ as the product type in this example and click on Create product selection. Enter a name or tracking ID for the selection made, for your own reference. Example: Diwali offers. Enter an internal description. Example: Pen drives Enter the list of your product/SKU’s under the SKU List and click on submit. The list will be created successfully.
Under Buyer gets
You can choose if you want to give an Amount off or a Percentage off or fixed price for the products and mention the value beside the option. Example: Lets select percentage off and mention 5, so the buyer gets a 5% discount on the products in the selection list.
Applies to
You can choose if the promotion is applicable to purchased products or qualifying products. If you are selecting qualifying products, select the ASINs for which the promotion can be applicable. If you are selecting purchased products, you can create an offer that applies based on the number of products purchased. For example, buy ten reams of paper and save 20%, buy 30 reams of paper and save 50%, etc.,
Under Buyer, benefits applies to a quantity of
Mention the total number of products to which the discount applies.
Under Advanced options
You can exclude products to which the promotions cannot be applied.
Step 2: Scheduling Promotion
In this step, you need to set the start and end date and time for which you want the promotion to be live. The selected start date and time should be at least 4 hours in the future. Enter an internal description and Tracking ID for your reference. Example: Diwali money off and Money off 22/10 to 30/10.
Step-3 Additional Options
Under this step, you can set a claim code option and customize your message for the promotion. Click on Claim code to set redeem code option for the promotion. It can be a code for single use or multiple uses. You can also set your own claim code under claim code option. Select how you want to allow claim codes to be combined with multiple promotions under Claim Code Combinability. Click on Customize messaging to create or customize the required and optional messaging types including terms and conditions and setting the display precedence. Enter the name of the promotion, this will be displayed to the buyer while checkout. Add your Terms and Condition and click on Review. In case you want to make any changes you can go back and edit else you can click on Submit. You can edit or make changes to your existing promotions anytime by clicking on the Manage Promotions tab.
We hope this will help you create offers/promotions and eventually grow your business on Amazon. However, if you are not yet registered on Amazon, register yourself as an Amazon Seller today and take advantage of this feature.
*Note: The quantity entered should be a whole number
We hope this will help you create offers/promotions and eventually grow your business on Amazon. However, if you are not yet registered on Amazon, register yourself as an Amazon Seller today and take advantage of this feature.
*Note: The quantity entered should be a whole number
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