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Amazon Seller > Sell Online > Seller Registration Guide
Step-by-step registration guide for new sellers
Step-by-step walk-through of the seller registration process on Amazon.in. Create your seller account to launch your business on Amazon.in with ease and start selling to crores of customers today.
Resolve all your seller registration queries with this concise and step-by-step walk-through of the new seller account creation process on Amazon.in. Find answers to your queries regarding GST, shipping, listing, bank details or any other registration-related questions. Refer to the FAQ and additional resources provided to understand the Amazon.in seller registration steps.
Start Amazon.in seller registration
To start registration as a seller on Amazon.in, go to sell.amazon.in or sellercentral.amazon.in and click on 'Start Selling' to create your account.
If you have a customer account on Amazon.in
If you already have a customer account on Amazon.in or Prime Video, you can simply use the same email and password to start creating a seller account. Once you sign in using those login details, you will be asked to verify your phone number with an OTP.
If you don't have a customer account on Amazon.in
In case you don’t have a customer account or want to create a new seller account, click on 'Create your Amazon account'. On the next screen, enter your name, mobile number, e-mail address, and set up a password. Click on ‘Continue’.
Enter GST number
Once you sign in, you have to enter your Goods and Services Tax (GST) number.
In case you want to sell GST-exempt products, select the option – ‘I only sell tax-exempted products such as books’.
Verify GST number
After entering GST number, click on 'Continue to Verify’. On the next screen, click on ‘Upload GST document’. Upload the GSTIN certificate (Reg-06 with Annexure A and Annexure B). The documents can be in pdf, jpg, or doc formats and should be less than 10MB in size. After uploading the documents, click on the ‘Submit GST document.
GST verification can take up to 72 hours. You will receive an email to notify you of the outcome of the verification. While the documents are under review, you can continue with the remaining registration steps.
Enter Store Name
Make your Amazon.in store stand out with a unique store name. This is the name that will represent your business to customers on Amazon.in.
You can accept the auto-generated store name suggestions as recommended by Amazon or you can enter a store name yourself.
Enter Pickup Address
Next, you have to fill pick up address details. We will collect (or have collected) product shipments for customer orders that you receive from this address.
The address on your GST is already there as an option for you to choose. If you want products to be picked up from a different location, enter the address by clicking on ‘Add new address’ under account settings on Seller Central.
You have to ensure that the pickup address is in the same state that the GST is registered in.
Choose Shipping Method
Next, you have to choose a shipping method. You can choose from the following shipping methods to deliver the product to your customers:
- Easy Ship
With Easy Ship, you store and pack your orders at your pickup location and Amazon picks and delivers them to your customers. Here, you will be charged additional fees for this service such as weight handling fees & pick and pack fees. - Self Ship
With self ship, you store, pack and ship your products yourself or can use third-party services to deliver your products to the customers.
If you choose Easy ship, you will also have to select the way shipping and delivery charges are paid. You can choose to include delivery charges in the product price itself and offer free delivery to customers. Or you can keep delivery charges and product price separate.
Add Bank Account
Next, you have to add details of your active bank account. Provide the details of the bank account that you use for your business.
The money you make from online sales on Amazon.in will be transferred to this bank account.
Select Default Tax Rate
Default GST rate or Product Tax Code (PTC) is the tax rate for each category as notified by the government. It is the percentage of taxes which is applicable on the sale of products or services under that category.
The default GST rate/ product tax code (PTC) will be used to calculate tax on your product listings where you do not select any tax code.
List Your Products
Next, click on ‘Add products and start selling’ to start listing. This is a mandatory step to launch your store on Amazon.in.
Here you can enter product details such as photos, descriptions, price, etc. that will allow buyers to evaluate your products on Amazon.in.
You need to complete at least one product listing to be able to launch your store on Amazon.in.
Click here to get details about products that are prohibited from listing and selling on Amazon.in
Launch Your Store
Once you've completed all the above steps, you are one step away from making your products available to crores of customers.
To launch your store, click on the 'Start selling' button as shown in the image:
What is GST number? Where can I find my GST number?
GST number is a unique 15-digit code assigned by the Indian Government. You can find it on your GST registration certificate (as shown below) or on your GST challan/return filing documents. Contact the GST helpdesk for assistance if you're unable to find it.
Why do I need to provide GST number to Amazon?
As per Indian regulations, GST registration is mandatory to sell products on online marketplaces like Amazon. Providing your GST number helps ensure compliance with the law and enables you to claim input tax credit.
I sell goods which are exempted from GST. Do I still need to apply for GSTIN certificate?
If you are exclusively selling GST-exempted goods, you may not be required to apply for GSTIN. Please contact your tax consultant or GST service provider for any specific GST related queries/clarifications. In case you already have a GST number, we request you to provide your GST number for registration as a seller on Amazon.in.
Can I sell on Amazon without GST number?
You can only sell GST-exempt products without a GST number by providing PAN details. For other products, it is mandatory to have a valid GST number to sell on Amazon.in
Which categories are exempted from GST?
You can find a list of categories which are exempted from GST here.
Can I create a seller account with composite GST number?
You can only sell GST-exempt products without a GST number by providing PAN details. For other products, it is mandatory to have a valid GST number to sell on Amazon.in.
I have multiple GST numbers. Which one I should provide to sell on Amazon?
You can only sell GST-exempt products without a GST number by providing PAN details. For other products, it is mandatory to have a valid GST number to sell on Amazon.in
I don't have GST number. How do I register for GST?
You can register for GST online on your own by visiting https://www.gst.gov.in/.
You can also register for GST offline by visiting a GST Seva Kendra or a GST Taxpayer Service Center.
You can also register for GST offline by visiting a GST Seva Kendra or a GST Taxpayer Service Center.
Store name FAQ
What is Store Name on Amazon.in? Where is it used?
The store name is the unique display name that represents your store on Amazon. It is the name that appears on your storefront on Amazon.in and in search results when customers search for products.
Can I change the Amazon store name after completing seller registration?
Yes, you can change the store name at any point from the account settings on Seller Central.
Can I use my own name as the store name?
While you can use your name as the store name, it may be more beneficial to choose a name that's more representative of your brand and the products you sell.
How important is my store name for customers?
Your store name can help customers find your products and distinguish your brand from others. However, it's just one aspect of your overall brand identity on Amazon.in. Other factors like product quality, pricing, and customer service also play a significant role in attracting and retaining customers.
Can I have multiple store names for different product categories I sell?
You can have only one store name for your seller account on Amazon.in. In case you want to have multiple store names, you can register each store name separately and manage them as distinct selling accounts. Please note that each new seller account will require a different GST for registration.
Do I have to use the store name recommended by Amazon?
You need not choose the store name recommended by Amazon. You can type your own store name, as long as it isn't being used by or does not belong to another seller.
What should I do when I get this error “Store name already exists on Amazon. Try a different name"?
You cannot enter a store name that is already being used by another seller. It's important to have a unique store name that clearly distinguishes your brand from others and avoids confusion among customers. Please choose a different and unique store name. In case you don't find a unique name, you can always choose one from the options recommended by Amazon.
Pickup address FAQ
Can the pickup address be anywhere in India?
For Easy Ship, the pickup address should be located in the state where the GST is registered. This is to comply with the Indian government's tax laws and regulations.
Can I change the pickup address after registration?
Yes, you can change the pickup address at any point from the account settings on Seller Central. However, please ensure that the new pickup address is also in the same state that the GST is registered in.
Why do sellers need to provide a pickup address to Amazon?
We will collect product shipments for customer orders that you receive from the pickup address provided. Adding a pickup address ensures a smooth and timely delivery experience for customers.
Can I add a pickup address that is different from the suggested addresses?
Yes, you can choose a pickup address that is different from the suggested addresses. Please note that the pickup address should be located in the state where the GST is registered. This is to comply with the Indian government's tax laws and regulations.
Can I enter multiple pickup addresses?
Amazon seller account currently does not support multiple pickup addresses. Please enter only one pickup address.
Shipping & fulfilment FAQ
Can I change the shipping method after registration?
Yes, you can update the shipping method preference at any point through the account settings on Seller Central.
Who will bear shipping charges If I choose Self Ship as my shipping method?
When you choose to Self-Ship, you bear the cost of shipping. You can send the order shipment through a third-party courier service or your own delivery agents.
What products are not supported by Amazon Easy Ship?
- Orders that contain oversized and bulky items (i.e any products weighing over 18 kg or product dimensions equal to or exceeding – 70 cm x 70 cm x 45 cm.) are not delivered by Amazon Easy Ship
- Orders for buyer addresses that do not fall in the Easy Ship coverage area are not delivered by Amazon Easy Ship.
- Amazon Easy Ship also does not support restricted items mentioned here
What are the charges for Amazon Easy Ship services?
The per delivery charges for Easy Ship for standard-sized items weighing less than 500 gms are INR 27 for local, INR 45 for regional and INR 65 for national deliveries. Please refer to the image below for more details.

Will Amazon charge me any fees if I choose to offer free delivery to my customer?
For Easy Ship, Amazon will charge you shipping fee irrespective of if you choose to offer free delivery to your customers. If you choose to offer free shipping to your customer, you will bear this cost.
How are shipping rates for Local, Regional and National defined?
Local rate will be applicable where the pickup and delivery happen in the same city i.e. intra-city pickup and delivery. Regional zone consists of four regions as shown in below image. Regional rate will apply if shipment moves within the same region and the service is not within the same city. National rate will apply if shipment moves across regions.

Bank account FAQ
Why does Amazon need my bank account details?
Amazon will transfer the payments due to your seller account to the bank account that you share.
Which bank account details should I enter here?
Please enter details of the bank account that is used for the business entity you are registering on Amazon.in.
Can I change my bank account details after registration?
Yes, you can update the bank account details at any time through account settings on Seller Central. However, it's important to ensure that the new bank account details are accurate and up-to-date to avoid any payment delays.
Product Tax Code (PTC) FAQ
What is Default Product Tax Code? Why does Amazon ask for it?
Default GST rate or Product Tax Code (PTC) is the tax rate to each category as notified by the government. It is the percentage of taxes which is applicable on the sale of products or services under that category. Amazon Seller Central tax calculation system uses PTC to calculate the tax amount due on the products or services a seller lists on the marketplace. The seller will have to remit to the GST authorities the tax amount due on the sale of the product or services provided by them.
I want to sell products under multiple categories that have different GST rates. Which product tax code should I select?
Please select the GST rate that applies to the maximum number of categories that you want to sell. For categories where the GST rate is different from the default PTC that you choose, you can add the applicable GST rate while creating product listings.
More on selling on Amazon.in:
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*Selling fee here refers to referral fee.
**This change in referral fee is applicable for select categories and for products falling under the Average Selling Price Band of INR 0-500.
Amazon Seller Services Private Limited ("Amazon") reserves the right to determine, in its sole and absolute discretion, the selling fees payable on each product category listed and sold on the marketplace www.amazon.in. Amazon further reserves the right to modify/ reduce/ increase the selling fees including the referral fees being charged by Amazon on the different categories of products. Amazon hereby disclaims any and all liability and assumes no responsibility whatsoever for consequences resulting from use of the above information. Amazon shall in no event be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages (including but not limited to damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, and the like) arising out of the use of the above information.
**This change in referral fee is applicable for select categories and for products falling under the Average Selling Price Band of INR 0-500.
Amazon Seller Services Private Limited ("Amazon") reserves the right to determine, in its sole and absolute discretion, the selling fees payable on each product category listed and sold on the marketplace www.amazon.in. Amazon further reserves the right to modify/ reduce/ increase the selling fees including the referral fees being charged by Amazon on the different categories of products. Amazon hereby disclaims any and all liability and assumes no responsibility whatsoever for consequences resulting from use of the above information. Amazon shall in no event be liable for any special, direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages (including but not limited to damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, and the like) arising out of the use of the above information.