Register now to unlock incentives worth up to $50,000.

Adopt Perfect Launch in your first 90 days as a new seller to generate sales more quickly and enjoy up to $50,000 in potential incentives.

Sell on 18+ Amazon global marketplaces

Why export with Amazon Global Selling?

150,000+ sellers

Since 2015, Amazon Global Selling has registered 150,000+ exporters from 28 states, 7 union territories, and 200+ cities across India.*

$13 billion

Amazon is on track to enable tens of thousands of Indian businesses to surpass $13 billion in cumulative e-commerce exports from India by the end of 2024.

400+ million

Amazon has assisted Indian exporters in selling 400+ million product units to customers across Amazon global marketplaces.

Get started with $50,000 in incentives

Ready to sell with Amazon? As a new seller, you can take advantage of a series of incentives.
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10% back on your first $50,000 in branded sales, then 5% back through your first year until you reach $1,000,000
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$200 credit towards fulfillment costs when you use Amazon Global Selling SEND
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$400 credit for inbound placement costs
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Free storage and customer returns with auto-enrollment in the FBA New Selection program
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$50 credit to create Sponsored Products or Sponsored Brands ads
*This offer is limited to selling on Amazon US, UK, France, Italy, Spain, or Germany marketplaces.
Terms and conditions apply.
Business woman looking at her phone
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