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Why sellers choose ?

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Crores of customers

Reach crores of customers on, India's most visited shopping destination.
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5.1K+ sellers became crorepatis in 2022. You could be next.
icon: circle with dollar sign in the middle, computer mouse pointer clicking on it

Unbeatable reach

Deliver to 100% of India's serviceable pincodes, through Easy Ship & Fulfillment by Amazon.
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Secure timely payments

Funds are deposited directly to your bank account every 7 days, including for Pay on Delivery order.
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Ease of starting

From product photography to hassle free delivery & returns management, Amazon has a solution for you.
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Sell to customers worldwide

Sign up for Amazon Global Selling & reach customers in upto 200+ countries.

How to sell on

STEP 1: Register your account

Register on Amazon with GST/PAN details and an active bank account

STEP 2: Choose storage & shipping

Choose storage, packaging, and delivery options

STEP 3: List your products

List your products by providing product and brand details

STEP 4: Complete orders & get paid

Deliver orders to customers on time and get paid within 7 days of delivery
See terms and conditions here.

Start your Seller Journey

Join our family of 14 Lakh+ businesses who sell on
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